Blog (Page 11)
Common Startup Mistakes You Must Avoid
Thousands of startups are launched every year and they do it with enthusiasm and flair, but there are also plenty that fail and not with so many reasons. Almost all of these startups have some common reasons that contribute to their failure even before they have picked up properly. Yes, there are a zillion things that could go wrong and it is vital for businesses to avoid falling into the same trap over and over again. So, what... ❯❯❯
The Future of the New Wave in the IT Industry: Data Science a Fad or an Everlasting Field?
THE JOB OF A DATA SCIENTIST INVOLVES A LOT OF SCOPE Being a data analyst in the 21st century remains to be the most trending and the most desired job. Since the supply of data professionals is less than the supply, hence, it signifies the scope and the future in the field of data scientist. The tremendous demand by the business firms is evident in the fact that choosing data science as a career option involves growth and development... ❯❯❯
You're Ready to Fly Freelance
According to the Freelancers Union, 54 million Americans, 35 % of the workforce, engaged in Freelance work in 2016. Of that number 45% were Freelancers who consider themselves self-employed 27% were moonlighters, doing Freelance projects in addition to their primary employment 18% were considered "diversified" workers, who cobbled together three or more revenue-raising activities to support themselves Businesses large and... ❯❯❯
5 Benefits of Coworking Space for Startups Companies
1. Low start-up cost Coworking space benefits for early startups, freelancers, entrepreneurs & individual an opportunity to work in a completely prepared office without agonizing over the costs of setting up a genuine office. By getting a genuine space, you can undoubtedly work your business without expecting to compute and dispense stores for building rent, fire protection, office hardware and different costs that come with starting... ❯❯❯
Is Your Business Model Snuffing Out Your Message?
I often talk to coaches, consultants, freelancers, small business owners, authors, speakers... etc. who feel stuck. Well, screw the label, that's not important. They're the "do their own thing, do something meaningful" kind of people. They've done the professional training, bought the marketing program, and even built a business or two. But they rarely go back to square one and question whether they have structured their business to... ❯❯❯
How To "Build A Business" - The Truth No One Will Ever Tell You
Rather than trying to pursue to huge idea upfront (which everyone does), you need to be able to either break it up into manageable chunks *or* build up your momentum doing smaller jobs. This is especially true within the "technology" industry; large companies such as Microsoft and Oracle all had a pedigree in consultation - a model which allowed the fledgling companies to earn money whilst learning their craft. This might sound... ❯❯❯
Multiple Revenue Streams Keep A Solopreneur Solvent
To build a successful career as a Solopreneur consultant requires courage, resilience, possession of marketable skills and relationships with people who are willing and able to refer or endorse you for paid project assignments. Solopreneur consultants must have a talent for selling, the discipline to create and pursue business goals, a knack for big picture thinking and implementing strategies and an understanding of human nature and... ❯❯❯
5 Essential Questions to Ask About Your Business Competitors
Are you thinking of starting a new business or have you done it yet and wondered the crucial questions to ask about competition? America is a nation of entrepreneurs, and small businesses are the leading providers or work opportunities for people. We need great entrepreneurs to continue to propel the economy forward. If you're looking to create a start-up, you can't succeed without understanding what is out there and what the... ❯❯❯
Why You Should Use a VPN for Business Travel
Business travel can ben rewarding. However, you can run into problems such as online security. In order to protect yourself during your business travel, you should consider using a VPN.
These days, in most locations all over the world, the internet is easy to access. In this generation, it has become an incredibly valuable necessity, be it in booking flights and accommodations, posting a status online, or opening an important email.
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