
Blog (Page 10)

Four Stages of Business Growth

1st Stage-Initiation: There can be varied reasons for a business start-up but the main values in running the business are of those who are the founders. We can see that company exhibits the main skills of the founder in its spirits, for example, if the founder is an engineer, he will emphasize in production rather than sales and marketing which should not be neglected. Main efforts are centered on the acceptability of the product in... ❯❯❯

Data Science: The Most Popular Course of the 21st Century

DATA SCIENTISTS AND THE DATA-DRIVEN WORLD The world is flooded with a tremendous amount of data which is spawned on a daily basis in businesses. The rise of the internet and the introduction of social media platforms have led to an additional spike in the amount of data generated. It is necessary to extract useful insights from the data to add business value but these datasets alone cannot generate value. It requires professionals who... ❯❯❯

How Being a Disruptor Can Serve Your Business and the World

We're all living through a period of significant disruption. When the seas are rough, the temptation is to hunker down, batten down the hatches, and hope you survive until it all blows over. But what if disruption represents an opportunity, an opportunity for your business? Then it makes sense to let go, expose yourself to the wind and waves, and see where the opportunity takes you. Big-time disruptors like Richard Branson sure have... ❯❯❯

How an Outside Event Planner Can Save Your Business Money

When it's time to plan a marketing event for your business, which is the more cost-effective option; hiring an outside event manager or using your internal marketing team? Your first instinct might be to choose the internal marketing team. After all, you're already paying their salary so there's no need to hire someone else. But not so fast. Using your internal team can cost you money in the long run. Sure, the up-front cost will be... ❯❯❯

Change Your Business Practices to Suit Your New Cloud ERP Software

Many businesses love their old software and do not want to change them. They buy a cheap Accounting or an ERP software that meets their business requirements when they were making USD 1M. Now they want to use the same and make it run as the business has grown to US$10M. As their business need changes to meet Sales demands or CRM needs, they buy additional software and spend huge money to integrate the new technologies to their old... ❯❯❯

Interested In Starting Your Own Business? This Is For You!

If you are thinking about starting a business, you have come to the right place. This article aims to provide you with information concerning this. If you wish to set up a company that is a limited one or if you want to trade like a sole trader, you should consider the benefits of having a limited company. Continue reading on to find out more. What Is A Sole Trader Or Partnership? • A sole trader/partnership claims to be an... ❯❯❯

How To Grow A Small, But Resilient Business

Small businesses, particularly those looking for an organic growth fail more often than they think. The success rate being fairly low, startups and small businesses need a foolproof strategy to be successful in the long-run. There are several things a small business owner can do to take her business to the next level. While on one hand, setting up of goals, planning in that direction and organizing the tasks is imperative, staying put... ❯❯❯

Victim Of Downsizing? Me Too, Maybe It's Time For This

If you're like me then you already know that losing your employment due to company or corporate downsizing can be devastating! Four years ago it happened to me. I was a service technician for a company that supplied specialized equipment to the automotive industry. I was making $100,000 dollars + a year, it was physical and hard work a lot of the times but then any thing worth while takes work. Yet there I was out of a job and I had... ❯❯❯

3 Reasons Why the Amish Were Right About Marketing

If I say the word "Amish" to you, what are the images that come to mind? Perhaps your mind goes to thoughts of horse-drawn carriages, a close-knit community that stays within itself, or no use of modern comforts like electricity or photography. Maybe you think of the clothes Amish people wear or the long hours that they spend working. Whatever comes to mind, have you ever thought of the Amish as geniuses at marketing? That's a... ❯❯❯

3 Ways to Use Technology to Automate Your Marketing

Automation should be at the top of a solo business owners priorities. When done right, you will see an increase in: New subscribers New clients More sales But the biggest stumbling block for many solo service professionals is the technology. They're simply not tech-savvy, or the systems that they're currently using are just too complex for them to use. So... they fudge together different systems (because they're easier... ❯❯❯